
24 August 2009 / Travel
This is the message I get on my iPhone whenever I attempt to get a GPS lock here. I’m not sure if it’s just me, the buildings, or the horrible smog…
23 August 2009 / Travel
The flight into Beijing was terrible. The plane had the smell of vomit and cheese. And their idea of “Canadian bacon” was actually half a slice of ham. But I told myself, it won’t be that bad once I get to Beijing. Oh how wrong I was. My first day in Beijing was a harrowing experience. I was warned about the smog, but I never realised that it was going to be this bad.
23 August 2009 / Travel
In transit right now, waiting for the shops to open so that I can grab a bite to eat. The flight was good. I didn’t get any solid sleep, but at least a few naps are a better than nothing. We landed in a fog. I initially thought were were still pretty high up as I couldn’t see anything from the windows, but the rumble of the cabin when we touched down made it evidently clear that we weren’t as high as I thought.
20 August 2009 / Travel
My last day in San Francisco has brought me to Prepare For The Playa, a preBurning Man festival of sorts. I was looking forward to this as it ment that I’ll be around more alternative types as opposed to the mainstream trend-chasers that I see everyday. Prepare For The Playa The event wasn’t exactly what I expected but I enjoyed myself walking about looking at the interesting clothes and costumes.
20 August 2009 / Travel
After our visit to the California Academy Of Science, we went to the Japanese tea garden. Shelter Metal Buddha Pebbled Path The tea garden would have to be one of my favourite sights during this trip. The serene environment, surrounded by nature. The only let down of the place in my opinion is that all the paths are fenced off with bamboo and you are not allowed to walk or sit on the grass.
20 August 2009 / Travel
We went to the California Academy Of Sciences today. It’s a life sciences museum in built in the Golden Gate Park. For what looks like a small facility, it has a decent sized aquarium and a rainforest inside a dome. It’s all looks rather impressive with shiny glass and gleaming steel all round. Everybody Loves Penguins Everybody loves penguins! Or at least so it appeared as I went on my way towards the rainforest dome.
19 August 2009 / Travel
Today’s wanderings brought me to the SFMOMA. Foyer It wasn’t a particular busy afternoon. There were a number of people, but past the initial gallery the crowd was pretty well spread out. Inflatable House Here’s a piece that’s 2 inflatable houses of different sizes. The larger one is set inside the smaller. And the installation inflates and deflates over time. Undulating Wall And next to the house, tucked away in a corridor is this hallway.
19 August 2009 / Travel
This morning I decided to try breakfast at a shack by the water. Yes, a shack, and a quaint on at that. Breakfast At Red's Breakfast of champions? I think not. Definitely not Ironman food either. As expected, the coffee was terrible. What I hadn’t expected however was for the coffee to taste like stale cigarettes. And with the last bits of grease gone, this intrepid explorer is off in search of some real coffee to finish off the morning.
18 August 2009 / Travel
16 August 2009 / Travel
12 August 2009 / Travel
Spent some time walking around town. Ubisoft Of course, me being a big geek, I had to take a picture of the Ubisoft offices (just like I did the Macromedia offices when I was here 5 years ago). Guiness And after a long day, there was an Irish pub where I could quench a well earned thirst.
10 August 2009 / Travel